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Recommendations (WIP)

House of Leaves

What is House of Leaves?

House of Leaves is a meta-horror novel. Released in March 2000, it's slightly older than me, and it has been highly influential in the horror scene, especially as of late, inspiring such things as myhouse.wad, and EveryManHybrid, one of which I will be talking about later.

It is a story told in two parts:

The first is a manuscript for an analysis of a film that does not exist, called The Navidson Record, where the titular Navidson and his family find out that their House is not how it seems, starting out with a hallway that wasn't there before, which slowly twists their home, and their minds.

The second is the story told in the footnotes of Johnny Truant, who has, in some way, inherented the original writer's work, and how it affects his life, and his own sanity.

The novel is unique in the way that it plays with your expectations of how a novel should work, often playing with the look, size, and color of the words, but also the margins, the rotation of the page, and even overlays the text. It truly is a mindbending puzzle that will captivate you for ages. There are entire forums dedicated to uncovering the secrets of this novel, and several theories as to what it all means.

Which is why I recommend it, it has shaped several aspects of my life, introducing me to things I wouldn't have even dreamed of looking into, such as Metaphysics (yes really), and web design!

If you are interested in my thoughts on the book, while it is still a massive WIP, I do have another neocities project revolving around the book, found here.

Where Do I Get My Hands On It?

Great Question! If at all possible, I recommend supporting your local small bookstore, if they do not have it, they will likely be happy to put it on order for you! Always support small businesses when you can!

However, if that isn't possible, you can get it either through Barnes and Noble or, if you absolutely have to, Amazon.

An Image of the cover of House of Leaves




In Stars And Time

What is In Stars And Time?

In Stars And Time is a highly acclaimed Indie Game made in RPG Maker. It follows the story of Siffrin (pronounced Seef-rin), and his story as he finds himself in a timeloop as he tries to fight The King, who is freezing the entire land in time. It comments on the nature of games, playing with the ideas of save scumming, and generally, what it means to be stuck in a time loop.

With commentary on mental health, and the toll being subject to the trauma of dying, and the subsequent desensitization of such trauma, the story is rich, with multiple branching paths depending on how you decide to go about the game.

The gameplay is also highly fun, with several quality of life additions that are working seamlessly into the story, and a fun rock, paper, scissors based combat system, it's a treat to play.

If even just one of these things interests you, I highly recommend you check it out!!

Where Do I Get It?

Well, how would you like to play it? It is currently available on PC through Steam, Switch, PS4, and PS5. Depending on which console you would like it on, you can likely find it on its e-store. Otherwise, if you want to know more about it, you can find the official website here.

An Image of Siffrin, looking forelorn to the side, he wears a cape that covers most of his body, and a large hat that somewhat resembles a classical witch hat. He also has an eyepatch covering his left eye. In the background are his party members, and in front of him is the title, In Stars And Time. It is entirely in black and white.


5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel